Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Happy Anniversary, Emma!!

Today marks one year since the debut of The Emma Collection at Big Apple Comic Con in New York City. When I look back over the past year, I can't help but be excited about my dolls and the experiences they have brought to me.

I'd like to take a moment to thank all of the amazing people in my life who have played an important role in this journey: Thank you to my husband Mike for being patient and flexible, especially during those first few frustrating months. Thank you to my parents and my sister Lori for not laughing when I once again announced that I wanted to try something new. Thank you to my manager Alex for the encouraging pep talks that make me feel like I could fly if I tried to. Thank you to Alan for having me in that first show. Thank you to my Aunt Corrie for the awesome enthusiasm about my doll collection. Thank you to Alexis for being the best assistant ever at that first show. Thank you to my mother-in-law and Aunt Kathy for being my first fans on FaceBook. Thank you to all my friends and all the people at the store who offered constructive criticism along the way to that first show. Thank you to the great people at Friends of Lulu for their support and interest in a multi-tasking artist. Thank you to all of the people who have purchased an Emma doll to take home with them, especially the little girl from the Wizard World Philadelphia show, who totally made my day by showing not one, but two of my dolls more love than maybe even I did while I was creating them, if that's even possible.

One day I got the idea to try making a doll. Months later, on a hot August afternoon in 2008, I put the idea to work and loved the way it came out. I'd known that I would be appearing in the Artist Alley at Big Apple Con that November and decided that I wanted to have more dolls so that I could display them with my artwork and see if maybe they would sell. Less than three months later, I had nine handmade dolls to bring with me. And so The Emma Collection was born!

Over this past year, I have been lucky enough to enjoy two successful shows, a handful of commissions, and the launch of The Emma Collection website. I can't wait to see where the next year will take Emma and all her friends! Happy Anniversary, Emma!!

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