Saturday, August 13, 2011

Blog With Me At Tumblr!!

So, I've opened up a Tumblr account and now am completely addicted. Most of my blogs will likely be posted there from now on, so blog with me!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Exciting News For The Emma Collection!!

I'm currently working with fellow artist and designer Katie Campbell, who is making clothes for the Emma dolls!! The designs are really trendy and absolutely adorable. Pictures will be posted soon, and select styles will be available for purchase Fall 2011. Stay tuned for updates!!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Free Comic Book Day!!

I'll be at Blu Planet this Saturday, May 7 for Free Comic Book Day! Come on down and take advantage of the great deals that this way cool shop will be offering, and don't forget to stop by my table and say hi! I'll have some great deals on prints and artwork too. =0)

Friday, April 29, 2011

My Love Affair With The Harry Potter Books

So after nearly 12 years of avoiding the fandom, I published my first ever Harry Potter fanart to deviantART today. And I love it! All my life people have been telling me to read Harry Potter, ever since the first one came out. My friends, co-workers, even the kid I baby-sat for at the time told me it was right up my alley and with lines starting up the day before book releases, how could it not be?

Well, after never reading a book or seeing a movie for all that time despite the crazy involvement of all the people around me, I finally saw my first HP flick when my best friend pulled the whole "It's my birthday and this is what we're doing card" back in December when Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 was in theaters. So I went and sat with hardcore HP fanatics, the 7 people I was with included. Now, out of a 2 and a half hour movie I had absolutely no idea what was going on for like the first hour and 45 minutes, but one scene in particular caught my interest (aka obsession) and I got caught up in the hype. Maybe it was the fact that that night was one of the most fun nights I'd had in a long time, or maybe it was because everybody around me was so excited that it was contagious, or maybe it was because I was just so deliriously tired from work that day, but something sparked inside me and the next day I bought the first 3 books. A week after that and I bought the next two. Not long after, I bought the last two.

I also ended up watching the movies right after I read the books. I would read a book, watch a movie and so on and so forth until I have just recently finished the 6th book and the 6th movie. And in disguise as a true Harry Potter fan, I went out and got the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 dvd the first day it was released. Although I haven't watched it yet...

I don't even remember anything that happened in the movie save for the one scene that caught my attention, and that's great because now I plan on reading the 7th book and watching the first of the last movies before I go this summer with my friends in Harry Potter fan fashion to the conclusion of the series. I should note that yes, I did watch the trailer when it was released the other day...

So, I had so much fun drawing the Harry Potter characters today, with no reference buy my imagination and my memory of the descriptions in the books, I might add, that I think it's safe to say that my obsession will continue long after the last movie is released. As a matter of fact, I'm planning on taking the character portraits that I drew this morning and turning them into an actual fanart scene. And that's just to start off with. =0)

Friday, February 18, 2011

ChristineCaton.Com Gets A Makeover!

After a few months of planning, I've finally launched my new website! ChristineCaton.Com has moved to a new server and is now hosted by Weebly. I'm super excited for this change as the site now has a fresh, simpler look and is much easier to navigate. I'm sure my artwork will be happily displayed in its new home for a long time to come! Please check out the new site at and be sure to let me know what you think!